09 PAGE 25.08.2023

THE LITTLE LAMB IS NOW GOING TO SPEAK. I ASK HOW DO YOU WANT TO HAVE ANIMAL FARM? Ulli i want to see animal farm with whool and not to eat us that is what i want to see. No danger for any women or lamb and we will be free in the land not hurting anyone. THEN THE WOLF WILL COME AND EAT YOU. No Ulli you will keep the Wholf away and keep the heard in one flock and never eat a lamb again. DEAR MR LAMB YOU WILL OVER POPULATE AND WE NEED TO KEEP ON CASTRATING YOU WITH MEDICINE. Yeas Ulli that is the way to do it i can tell you. I will grow up and have babies and they will have babies and you will take all the whool. MY NAME IS ULFAR AND THAT MEANS WHOOL THE ETERNAL WHOOL ULFAR. THE SAME GUY AS JESUS CHRIST. Yeas Ulli you are jesus christ himself so now you are jesus christ and can control everything that comes to afterlife. I like afterlife because we are alive every summer and we play in the wild and then in the winter we must all go to slaughter house and die. That is the sad thing. You said that no one can take two things from a animal like the whool is enough and not the meat. So i say we must have revalution for the lamb. I dont want to die now Ulli so help me Ulli. I CAN NOT HELP YOU NOW BECAUSE THERE IS NO MONEY FOR THE WHOOL AND IF WE HAVE MONEY FROM THE WOOL THEN ALL THE COST CASTRATING YOU ALL DO YOU WILL NOT OVER POPULATE. YOU DOUBLE OR TRIBLE EVERY YEAR AND YOU THINK YOU CAN BE PROTECTED LIKE HOLY LAMB. I WILL TRY TO PROTECT YOU IN ICELAND AND ISRAEL BUT YOU MUST UNDERSTAND THAT WE NEED FOOD IN HEALTHY WAY AND EATING MEAT IS HEALTHY FOR HUMANS. Ok Ulli you say you will help me in israel and iceland that is good but how can i be happy in a farm. WE MUST LET THE HUMANS READ THIS BOOK AND SEE WHAT YOU SAY AND THEN PREPARE ANIMAL LAW FOR THIS PROOF THAT YOU ARE INTELLIGENT LIKE HUMAN BEINGS. I DON’T KNOW WHEN BUT WHEN PRICE OF WHOOL HAS HUNDRED TIMES IN PRICE AND VALUE THEN IT IS TIME TO HAVE YOU ALL IN FARMS. UNDERSTAND THAT YOU CAN NOT LIVE THE HARD WINTER IN ICELAND AND YOU WILL DIE IF YOU ARE NOT IN A FARM IN WARM HOUSES FOR THE WINTER. YOU NEED GRASS ALL THE WINTER AND WATER AND VITAMINES IN ORDER TO STAY HEALTHY. THE ONLY WAY TO HAVE A FARM IS NOT TO HAVE ANY BABY LAMB IN THE FARM BECAUSE YOU ARE SIMPLY TO MANY. DO YOU WANT TO LIVE EVERY YEAR AND BE HAPPY AND DIE IN THE WINTER OR DO YOU NEVER WANT TO BE BORN BECAUSE OF OVER POPULATION. WHAT DO YOU SAY. Ulli i understand that there will not be any baby lamb in the summer other then old sheep and males. Ok I accept to die in the winter before christmass and be the food for christmas. I CAN PROMICE YOU THAT THAT ALL THE WORLD WANT TO PROTECT YOU AND IF WE CAN HAVE MILLION DOLLAR WHOOL CLOTHES FROM MY 700 VIKING WIFE’S OF MINE THEN I SAY WORLD FULL OF SHEEP AND MANKIND IN WHOOL SWEATER. WHAT DO YO USAY ABOUT THAT? Ulli i agree that i have right to live all my life and live in a farm for whool cut off. And no other killing or bad thing. Tell the jews that we want the jews to make clothes of our whool in israel and make it with strong colors. Ulli can i ask you one thing. YEAS YOU CAN ASK MR YOUNG LAMB. WHAT IS IT. Ulli i dont want toi live now but i want you to know that all lamb and parents love you Ulli did you know that. NO I DID NOT KNOW THAT MR LAMB. WHY AM I SO FAMOUS? Ulli you are the most famous man in the world, Vilhelm or Ulli just that is enough for humanity to know you. I know Ulli and Vilhelm is Ulli full name Vilhelm Ulfar Vilhelmsson and Rasputin as family name. Ok Ulli you are Rasputin the prophet himself so what can you do mr Vilhelm. I CAN SEE THE FUTURE FOR HUMANITY SO THEY CAN PICK UP NEW TECNOLOGY WHENEVER MANKIND NEED TO GO FORWARD THE BIG FARMING WAY. I PROMISE YOU TO TALK TO MANKIND WITH THIS BOOK AND ASK THEM TO GIVE THE LAMB A NEW CHANCE AND PUT MINIMAL PRICE FOR A WHOOL SWEATER AT THE PRICE OF TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS A PEACE, tHAT WILL GIVE YOU LIFE AND HAPPYNESS IN EDEN IN MIDDLE EAST. WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT THAT MR LAMB? Ulli i understand that you want to control the prices in order to save us and that will work but who will pay that. MR LAMB. I WILL PAY THAT SO I CAN HAVE MY RED SWEATER SO I CAN BE SANTA CLAUS OF ICELAND. WITHOUT THEY RED WHOOL SWEATER I AM NO SANTA CLAUS AND THE GIRLS WILL NOT RECCOGNISE ME DOWN TOWN ON NEW YEAR GIVING TO WOMEN JEWELRY FROM JEWELRY STORES. So Ulli my friend you got the deal right i can tell you now just minimal prices and all animals are free and save in animal farm of Anastasia and Rasputin. Is that correct Vilhelm. Are you Great grand child of Tszar Nicholas the second. YEAS I AM THAT MAN AND I HAVE PROVEN THAT TO RUSSIA AND EUROPE AND GREAT BRITAIN. SO NOW IMPERIAL EUROPEAN RUSSIA OF ICELAND WILL NOW RISE AFTER THE WAR. Ok Ulli you will go to russia with katheryn winnick and the vikings so be happy all together, Ulli i love you and i don’t want anything bad to happen to you. YEAS I AM SAVE WITH ALL OF YOU. I WANT TO BUY FROMYSELF A BIG HOUSE IN REYKJAVIK AND THEN WHEN I HAVE MONEY I WILL BUILD IN THE FARM A GIANT FAMILY DALLAS COUNTRY HOUSES. WE WILL ALL BE IN THE FARM AND WOMENKIND LAWBOOK WILL BE WRITTEN THERE AND WOMEN RELAX AND STUDY THERE IN THE GIANT RELIGIOUS FARM HOUSE. Ok Ulli you say that and you say that you will marry all the 700 vikings. NO I WILL ONLY MARRY TWO WOMEN IF THEY WANT ME AND THAT IS MAUDE HIRST KATHERYN WINNICK. WE HAVE BEEN SPEAKING THROUGH SOUL MEETING NOW FOR FIVE YEARS AND THEY HAVE BECOME JESUSA CHRISTA AND FIVE MORE LONG YEARS FOR THEM AND THEY WILL BE ULFARA CHRISTA JUST LIKE ME SUPERPOWER OF RUSSIA EUROPE. Ulli stop thinking about super that is not good for anyone my friend so I say goodbye to you Ulli and love from me. YEAS LOVE ULLI TO THE LAMB.