12 PAGE 25.08.2023

Santa Books.
Alien Contact, this Book is written by Vilhelm Ulfar Vilhelmsson Rasputin in Iceland.

I will with this book show Soul meeting where i speak to Aliens through photo of life or dead.

ATTENTION ALIEN ON THIS PHOTO CAN WE TALK ABOUT THE ALIEN AND HUMAN DIFFERENCES? Hello Vilhelm what can i do for you? HOW DIFFERENT ARE THE HUMANS AND ALIENS? I can say that we look allot alike even though we come from another star in space. We can live together here on this planet or we show ourselves and that is not what you want. Hear me now mankind i am the lord of the space station where i am and if you think that you know anything then that is that. HOW FAR ARE YOU FROM EARTH AND HOW MANY ALIENS ARE NOW ON EARTH. I can not say that we are on earth but sometimes we visit earth but now we are bid of bid light year away. Now you Vilhelm. I WANT TO UNDERSTAND THE TECNICK FOR HEART AND OTHER INTESTINES TECNOLOGY OR SHOULD WE USE THE DNA CHANGED PIG? Vilhelm i think we understand each other very well i may think so proudly. Let me see how are we going to think about new intestines. You can do it with flora tecnology and you drink special milk all day long. So boring that no one of us want to live longer then we are supposed to live. Now you. ALIEN DO YOU HAVE TEC TO SELL US AND WHAT VALUE DO YOU WANT FOR THE TEC? Vilhelm i am not going to sell you anything because our system is not the same as for yours. I can say that if the earth is in danger then the aliens will help like the stones that threaten eath many times. So I can not say that we are something then something. That means that i have limited info to share so be carefull when stealing tec from us. WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF ALIEN AND HUMANS MEET DO THEY NEED TO BE IN ISOLATION OR IS THERE ONLY FRIENDLY BACTERIA? You need to take vaccine few times then you and we can meet. HOW MANY ARE YOU IN THE SOLAR SYSTEM? We are more then humans and if you want to know then I can tell you that we are million times more then the humans. Understand that Vilhelm we can end earth in few days contact. If you die or in bad way then we are willing to destroy the planet and kill your kind because they are your sworn enemies of jelousy. Understand that. Now you ask. HOW LONG CAN I LIVE ON THIS PLANET IN THIS LIFETIME? Yeas one hundred and eighty years is a good time. I dont think you want to live longer Vilhelm. YEAS YOU SAY THAT. WHAT STATUS IS THE FINANCE OF THE WORLD BANKING? Ok you own the world and you say you want to take it into your pocket. Just relax mr Vilhelm the smaragd. The best gemstone in the world think about that and you own it from china people. Ok Vilhelm now you know what you own and now it is i who ask the questions. Who are you? I AM VILHELM AND THAT IS FATHER OF LUCIFER. THAT IS WHO I AM. Ok Vilhelm understand now who i am i am the highest authority of alien power. Understand that. Now you are writing a new religion to the world in so sexy and horny way that everyone must axcept. Ok Vilhelm now you must understand that you are a human great guy of the planet. You give the best children and you must find way to give them all children so they can be humans again. It is evil to say that africa is to blame but it is africa who kills the white women and then the planet dies. Think about that. Ask me now Vilhelm. WHAT CAN I DO IN ORDER TO UNDERSTAND HOW TO THROW YOU AWAY? Ok Vilhelm i understand what you mean you can never throw us away. Think about something else Vilhelm just think about that we will always be around the humans and after ten or fifteen years then we can meet. What do you say to that mr Vilhelm dictator of all the world. I UNDERSTAND MY DUTIES AND I AM JUST PARTYING IN MY HOME AND WRITING THIS POCKET BOOK. I WROTE THE POCKET BOOK ANIMAL FARM LAWBOOK AND BASED ON WHAT THE ALIENS SAY THEN WE ARE PROTECTED BY GOD WHEREVER WE ARE. THAT IS A VERY GOOD FEELING TO HAVE ETERNAL LIFE WITH THE ALIENS IN REINCORNATION OF ICELANDIC TRIANGLE. WHAT IS YOUR POLITICAL SYSTEM AND HOW ARE YOU BUILD UP FROM INSIDE? We can not speak about that. There was a revolution and we the yellow killed all the others. Our nightmare is now and we do not know how to get them back. We have tryed the cloning and that works but the stemcells are from us so who are we now? YOU MUST UNDERSTAND THAT NOW YOUR ENEMIES ARE YOUR CHILDREN. SO SIMPLE IS THAT FACT THEY ARE YOUR CHILDREN AND LOOK LIKE YOUR ENEMY. HOW DOES A SEXY ALIEN WOMAN LOOK LIKE? She looks like a horny shit that needs to fuck every hour of the day. AND YOU DONT LIKE THAT? I LIKE THAT BUT NEVER STOP IS WHAT I CAN NOT UNDERSTAND SAY I ALIEN. OK MR ALIEN IF YOUR WOMEN ARE SO HORNY WHAT KIND OF MEDICINE DO THEY TAKE? I can not say that they are only horny because of fich hormones but i can tell you that hornyness of fish is the real thing. So just understand how i am now i am a man that hates to fuck because i am not so horny like the women. SO YOU MAKE THEM HORNY IN ORDER FOR YOU TO HAVE MORE SEX BUT YOU THE ALIEN MALE MEN DO NOT TAKE ANY SEX DRUGS? WHY IS THAT? Vilhelm i can tell you a little thing and that is that you can not just control everything and say later i dont want to control. What do you say to that. I AM GOING TO CONTROL ALL MY LIFE AND NEVER LAY DOWN POWER. THE CHILDREN COME AFTER ME AND I WILL BLESS THE BEST OF THE BEST. Yeas Vilhelm i am sure of that i can tell you just understand how clever we are we can kill in many ways and cure in more ways then killing so just relax with buying from us teck. Now you say that i the alien super must not be on more pages so how are you going to have other idiots then me answer your questions. I HAVE ASKED THE ALIENS AND THEY ARE ALL READY TO ANSWER MY QUESTIONS. DO YOU MIND THAT WE GO OVER LIKE THEY SEE IT INSTEAD OF POWER AND LEADERSHIP? Yeas Ulli i agree we must stop now and we will see what comes. Love you all humans and you Ulli. Sign. Alien.